Cairo Cat Rescue & Rehoming Champions is a Rescue based in Cairo whose aim is to rescue, rehabilitate and ultimately find loving homes for abandoned and abused cats.The Rescue is run by Sherouk Mohamed and Amira Mohamed (no relation). Sherouk deals mainly with the admin side of the rescue whilst Amira lives with and takes care of our cats on a day to day basis devoting her whole life to their wellbeing. Working together with our band of supporters in the U.K, Europe and North America we have successfully rehomed over a hundred of our cats to loving homes and this is our main aim.
All our money is spent on our cats
Unlike other charitable and not for profit organisations that sometimes find themselves in the news, Cairo Cat Rescue & Rehoming Champions spends absolutely nothing on Administration, Consultants or support staff. The only wages we pay are those of our four cleaners. All our activities, including this website, are provided by volunteers. Sherouk and Amira take no wages, they contribute instead.
Please take a look at our available cats on this site (many more can be found on Facebook and Instagram)
You can see the results of the work we do by taking a look at 'Our Miracles' - beware - this page may contain upsetting images.
And please have a read through the stories about our happily Rehomed cats and the Testimonials of those who have adopted from us.
To see further what we do press here