Q. There are a lot of scams these days. How do I know it's not a scam?
A. We appreciate your concerns. Take a look at our Facebook page to see the good and urgently-needed work that we do. On there and on Instagram are numerous pictures and videos of our cats. We are also including testimonials from those who have adopted our cats and these people appear on the Facebook page too
Q. How do I know you're using my money on the cats and not on costly administrative posts?
A. There are no full-time administrative posts at Cairo Cat Rescue & Rehoming Champions. All admin work is done by volunteers. The only wages paid are to a small group of part-timers who look after the daily needs of the circa 280 cats. These are covered directly from cat sponsorships and donations. Sherouk and Amira Mohammed oversee this work and care for the health and welfare of the cats on a daily basis.
Q. How do you fund the medical needs of often severely injured cats?
A. By asking for extra donations from our marvellous supporters
Q. How do I know where my money is going?
A. Receipts are posted on Facebook on a regular basis and it is very clear to see that your donation has been received. The same applies to donations from easyfundraising.org.uk which are posted on a monthly basis
Q. I would so like to help but with rising prices everywhere I just can't afford to. What can I do?
A. We urge you (and your friends) to sign up to easyfundraising.org.uk Details of what to do are on this page on our website. It will cost you nothing but by signing up you'll have the satisfaction of knowing that you've helped a suffering animal